Hormone Therapy: Why you questioned it then and why you can reliably trust it now
CourseHormone therapy was the standard for helping women navigate the symptoms of menopause and hormone decline in the 80's and 90's. Then a misinterpreted study changed everything. Learn why hormone therapy is beneficial and why you can trust it now.
Holistic Womens Concierge Collective
CommunityA supportive community focused on science-based information for hormone health, perimenopause + menopause education, functional nutrition, midlife mindest, supplementation, and women's health products. Let's grow up hormonally healthy together!
$10 / month
Killer Fractures: Holistic Tips to Decrease Fracture Risk
CourseFREE webinar discussing women and fractures, how they can be deadly, and what you can do about it now. The focus is on holistic health, perimenopause, menopause, and women.
EmpowHER: Hormone Health for HER
BundleIt's about time you have a hormone expert on your side! Access my growing library of educational videos, interactive membership site, learn the latest science and info to help you thrive, supplement guidance, and a personalized hormone consult!
$45 / month
Functional Nutrition Assessment + Testing
CourseMicronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, play a crucial role in many bodily functions, including metabolism, immune system function, and cell growth. Deficiencies in these essential nutrients can lead to a wide range of symptoms.
The Reset and Restore Detox Program
CourseThis is a whole-body detox program! Personal support, video courses, and 4 months of Cellcore's Detox Support Protocol. Detoxify the body, improve cellular energy, and reset your gut microbiome!